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What Are the Most Efficient Thermostat Settings for Summer and Winter in Texas?

Mar 13, 2023
thermostat settings in Texas

If you’re like many people, you may like your indoor temperature to be significantly cooler in the summer than outside. Perhaps you feel best in warm weather and cold winter spells cause you to crank up the heat to stay warm and comfortable.

Although every person has their own unique preference on how cool or warm they want their home to be, not every thermostat setting or schedule is conducive to optimal energy savings.

Are you looking to be comfortable in your home all year-round while saving money on energy bills? If you’ve answered “yes” to this question, you might have to play around with your thermostat settings to find that happy medium. In general, the most efficient air conditioner or heat pump setting for summer that balances comfort and energy use is 78 degrees Fahrenheit. For winter, the most efficient furnace or heat pump setting is 68 degrees Fahrenheit.

Keep in mind, striving for energy efficiency isn’t just limited to your thermostat settings. There are several other ways to decrease your monthly energy bills, such as by adding insulation to your walls and attic or unplugging electronic devices when they’re not in use.

Does the Temperature of Your Thermostat Actually Matter?

Yes, the temperature you set your thermostat to does matter. Setting your thermostat to the right temperature can help you save energy and money while also keeping your home comfortable. Did you know that changing the temperature on your thermostat by a single degree can equal a six to 12 percent increase in the amount of energy your unit consumes?

For instance, if you change the temperature on your thermostat from 76 degrees to 75 degrees for an extended period of time in the summer, your unit will have to expend more time and energy to maintain that temperature.

What Are the Recommended Thermostat Settings for Summer in Texas?

It’s important to note there’s no one-size-fits-all thermostat setting for summer in Texas. Your perfect temperature will likely differ from your neighbors and can depend on a variety of factors, including your personal comfort, your budget, the efficiency of your system and your home’s insulation.

Setting your thermostat to 78 degrees will likely provide a comfortable indoor temperature and help reduce your energy costs. Additionally, if you have a programmable thermostat, you can set it to adjust the temperature when you’re away from home or asleep to save more energy.

What Are the Recommended Thermostat Settings for Winter in Texas?

Similarly, the perfect indoor temperature for winter in Texas can depend on several different factors. For many people, 68 degrees is generally considered the ideal indoor heating temperature. If you prefer a warmer temperature but you want to reduce your energy use, consider bundling up. Unlike summer, you can wear warm clothes and bundle up to compensate for a lower thermostat setting in your home.

What Temperature Should I Set My Thermostat When on Summer or Winter Vacation?

You may be tempted to turn off your unit completely while you’re on vacation and your house is left empty. However, when you come back, your HVAC system will have to work extra hard to heat or cool your home. Not only will this prevent you from saving money on your energy bill, but you’ll also risk your system malfunctioning when you turn it back on. This is particularly risky in winter when burst pipes are a real possibility.

Leaving your unit running at a significantly higher or lower setting (depending on the season) while you are away may be the ideal solution. This will help to reduce energy consumption while you are away.

Tips to Decrease Your Monthly Energy Bills

  • Change your air filters regularly
  • Unplug unused electronics
  • Use energy-efficient light bulbs
  • Seal air leaks around windows and doors
  • Set your ceiling fans to run counterclockwise in the summer (this motion pushes air downward)
  • Choose cotton and linen for your bedding instead of polyesters (helps sleepers stay comfortable and prevents sweating)
  • Take hot showers or baths before bedtime to help your body stay warm throughout the night

24/7 HVAC Repair Services in Arlington, TX

If you live in Arlington or the surrounding area and are experiencing problems with your AC or furnace, Tom’s Mechanical Inc. is here to help.

Our team of experienced technicians is available 24/7 to provide you with prompt and reliable service when you need it most. Whether your furnace needs a tune up or your air conditioner needs repairs, we can help.

Call us today at 972-388-3669 to learn more about our heating repair services in Arlington and schedule an appointment with one of our experienced technicians.


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